Why Do Your Eggplants Leave Curling ? 8 Reasons

Eggplants (and other vegetables) can sometimes leave curling leaves after harvest. 

This seemingly small detail can actually have a big impact on the overall quality of your eggplant crop. 

In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the possible causes of leaf curling in eggplants and offer some solutions to help you prevent it.

Why Are The Leaves Of My Eggplant Curling?

Eggplants are garden favorites for their beautiful, dark purple fruits.

Although caring for eggplants isn’t inherently challenging, some people do have difficulties.

For instance, you may have observed that your eggplant’s leaves have started to curl. But why do eggplant leaves curl? Is this a result of an illness of some kind, or are you doing something wrong while caring for your eggplants?

We gathered 8 reasons that might cause your eggplant leaves to curl.

Not being watered properly

The main cause of curled eggplant leaves is improper watering, a typical occurrence. The leaves of your eggplants may begin to curl if you aren’t giving them the proper amount of water. You’ll notice a little wilting whenever your eggplants begin to grow too thirsty. There’s a significant likelihood that you over watered the plants if the leaves are visibly wilting. 

A little wilting could signify that you watered the plant a little late. If you water the plant, it might get more active, and things might finally get better. Beyond the plant’s outright death, ongoing watering problems can cause challenges. Even while the plant may live, it may not bear the huge fruits that come to mind when you think of eggplants. 

To survive, eggplants typically require one inch of water every week. It is preferable to thoroughly water your eggplants once per week rather than a tiny bit multiple times a week if you want them to grow as well as they possibly may.

Why Do Your Eggplants Leave Curling ? 8 Reasons

Sunlight Issues

You might not be growing your eggplants in the best possible environment. Occasionally, people will plant things in gardens without doing the necessary study to ensure success. If this is the case, you may not be aware that eggplants prefer a lot of sunlight. It’s possible eggplants that grew in shaded or partially shaded areas didn’t obtain the best outcomes. Sometimes, leaves may appear a little wilted due to a lack of light. You might want to think about planting eggplants in a better location in the future. The best place to grow eggplants is anywhere they can get six hours a day of direct sunlight. They could appear a little wilted if you can’t give them that, rather than developing as you want them to.

It should be noted that eggplants enjoy the heat a lot. That implies that eggplants might respond oddly to weather variations. Leaf curling could be a result of something like an unexpected cold snap. Even though this may not be the most likely factor in leaf curling, it is nevertheless important to mention.

Pest Problems

Pests can eventually cause eggplants to wilt if nothing is done about them. When eggplant is being attacked by pests, its leaves may begin to curl. Leaf curling could be brought on by spider mites. It will be difficult to see these little spiders with the naked eye because they are so small. Such pests siphon the juices from your eggplant’s leaves. The leaves will eventually die, which is why you’ll notice they’re beginning to curl.

Plant Diseases

Curled eggplant leaves can also be brought on by plant diseases. Numerous plant diseases could result in such an occurrence. Spotted wilt virus is one of the more prevalent viruses that can induce leaf curling. Your eggplants’ leaves are specifically the target of the virus, which makes them wilt. Another possibility is that you have the mosaic virus. You might also see yellow or green streaks on the leaves in addition to leaf curling. The mosaic virus will cause the leaves it has infected to perish. Sadly, you might not be able to do much to assist the eggplant.

Nitrogen Deficiency

Insufficient chlorophyll production causes eggplant leaves to turn yellow or light green. Chlorotic leaves are those in this condition. Since the plant will shift nitrogen from older tissues to more crucial younger ones, lower leaves (older leaves) exhibit symptoms sooner.

Phosphorus Deficiency

Lack of phosphorus frequently prevents or inhibits the growth of shoots. In severe insufficiency, leaves can turn dark, dull, blue-green, or even pale. Increased anthocyanin production results in reddish, reddish-violet, or violet color development. Older plant portions are the first to show symptoms.

Potassium Deficiency

Slight yellowing at the leaves’ edges and tips, followed by tip burn, are symptoms of mild potassium deficiency. However, the primary veins of the leaf blade continue to be a dark green color.

Heat Stress

Between 22 and 30°C is ideal for eggplant growth and development. As a result of climate change, temperatures in subtropical and tropical locations are frequently above 35 °C, which causes substantial heat damage to eggplant, specifically limiting plant growth, decreasing productivity, and compromising quality.

How To Care for Curling Eggplant Leaves?

As a gardener, one of the things you learn to love is watching your plants grow. You take pride in caring for them and eagerly await the harvest. If you’ve got a curling eggplant leaf, don’t worry – it’s not a sign that something’s wrong. Here’s how to care for curling eggplant leaves.

Proper Watering

Your eggplant’s leaves will re-plump up and appear fuzzy and healthy under the ideal circumstances. Watering is important, but you should also ensure it receives around six hours of sunlight each day and check that the soil is moist but not drenched. Don’t forget to give your crop a hearty dose of compost or fertilizer. Try utilizing the appropriate soil-to-compost ratio to provide your eggplants with the best possible growing conditions.

Proper Fertilizing 

Maintaining the health and happiness of your eggplant will help prevent foliage issues. The ideal growing regions for eggplants are USDA plant hardiness zones 4 through 10, where they need a bright, sunny setting with rich, sandy, well-draining soil. 

Determine the soil’s fertilizer requirements with a soil test from your garden or by bringing a sample to your local extension office. Then, treat the soil as necessary. During the growing season, avoid over-fertilizing since it promotes leaf development while inhibiting flowering and fruit-setting. 

Avoid planting eggplants in regions that have previously been home to other crops in the Solanum genus, such as tomatoes and potatoes, to reduce the risk of soil-borne illnesses. To allow for optimal air circulation, leave 3 to 4 feet of space between individual plants and rows of plants. Using overhead watering that drenches plant leaves during the day is not advised.

Appropriate Light

For the greatest results, plant eggplant, which will receive full sun—at least 6 to 8 hours of direct sunshine per day.

Pests Controlling

These harmed leaves may drop or dry as bug populations rise, exposing fruits to the light. Once-a-week applications of an insecticidal soap that has been pre-mixed can effectively manage both pests.


Do eggplants need a lot of water?

Eggplant requires regular watering—at least 1 inch per week. One deep soak is preferable to multiple briefs, and regular waterings because frequent watering encourages shallow roots. Water demand will, of course, be influenced by the weather and soil type.

What is a taco leaf?

This widely used phrase describes a leaf’s reaction to specific environmental circumstances. A leaf can bend upwards or downwards in reaction to excessive or inadequate light, as well as other unfavorable environmental circumstances like high winds, low relative humidity, and other unfavorable airflows.

Why are my eggplant leaves curling and turning yellow?

Leaf yellowing is frequently brought on by gardening issues like inconsistent watering or a deficiency in soil nitrogen. When plants are under water stress, they may at first wilt in the middle of the day and then become yellow. Use 2 to 4 inches.

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